Demo Cases


Demo projects will show some of the capabilities of RAI.

  • Run the demos by using.

``python demo_filename`` for instance



demos> python

This demo uses the Adults dataset ( to show how RAI can be used in model selection.

demos> python

This demo uses Cifar10 dataset and shows how RAI can be used to evaluate image classification tasks.

demos> python

This demo shows how RAI can be used to create dynamic custom metrics to evaluate your model and display them on the dashboard.

demos> python

This demo uses Cifar10 dataset and shows how RAI can be used monitor image processing tasks during training.

demos> python

This demo shows how RAI can be used without the dashboard to calculate and report on the metrics for a machine learning task.

demos> python

This demo show how RAI and its dashboard can be used for evaluating the natural language modeling tasks.

demos> python

This demo show how RAI and its dashboard can be used for evaluating the natural language modeling tasks.